Upcoming Events

    • April 13, 2025
    • 10:00 AM
    • 601 N. Hamilton Pkwy Novato, CA 94949

    Join NMC on Sunday, April 13th for our Annual Egg Hunt at 10am sharp. Bring your basket because the Easter Bunny has given us a heads up that 5,000+ eggs will be spread around the Hamilton Amphitheater that morning!!!

    Eggs will be filled with small toys and candy. For safety, we ask that parents supervise egg opening. The Easter Bunny will be ready for pictures so bring your best smile. 

    This event is open to the community with a suggested donation of $5 for non-members to help us keep this event free and open to the public for years to come! We accept donations here, on Venmo, or in cash at the event.
    Please RSVP with the number of children who will be participating in the egg hunt.

    • May 18, 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Lagoon Park (Civic Center) 160 Armory Dr., San Rafael, CA 94903


    We have created our Novato Mothers Club Team and will start our fundraising in support of the Postpartum Support Center, one of our local Marin County organizations supporting maternal mental health.

    Even if you're not able to donate or fundraise for the cause, please join our Team as we walk this easy stroller-friendly 0.7-mile loop around Lagoon Park.

    This is a family-friendly community event with food, live music, and fun for all!

    Click to join us: Here!

    If you have any questions about the NMC's involvement in this event, please feel free to reach out to our Co-Director, Ninja, at: NMC.NVillalta@gmail.com

Please note that some events are only visible once you become a member and log in.  If you are considering joining and would like more information about upcoming events, please email nmc.codirectors@gmail.com.

Past NMC Events

03/02 - February (in March) Book Club Meeting

03/01 - New Member Welcome Event

02/21 - Mom's Night Out: Galentine's Day

02/12 - Community Preschool Fair

02/08 - Little Sweethearts Pajama Party

02/05 - Monthly Board Meeting

01/26 - January Book Club Meeting

01/25 - Mom's Day Out: Hike in Novato followed by a Cafe Social

01/15 - Special Board Meeting

12/29 - December Book Club Meeting

12/07 - Novato Tree Lighting Festival

12/04 - Annual Cookie Exchange and Potluck

11/23 - New Member Welcome Event

11/22 - NMCxMIM Collaboration Sweatshirt Orders Due

11/17 - November Book Club Meeting

11/16 - Education Opportunity: "Plan A Celebration Dinner Where You Celebrate Too" w/ Chef Pesha Allen

11/15 - Education Opportunity: Embracing Midlife Sexuality

11/10 - Mom's Day Out: Candle Making in Petaluma

11/09 - Fall Family Photo Shoot w/ Maya G Photography

11/08 - Community Outreach Education: Soroptomist

11/06 - Monthly Board Meeting

11/03 - October Book Club Meeting (Rescheduled)

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